I remember like it was yesterday. I was sitting on my porch and she pulled up in front of the house and parked at the curb. She got out and started walking up toward the porch where I was sitting. As she approached, I scanned her up and down, examining everything about her. I don’t have the greatest memory, but I can remember this defining moment in my life and in our relationship. I don’t remember what we talked about, or what she was saying as she stood in front of me, but I do remember what I was looking at and what I was thinking. As I scanned her, my eyes stopped on this line that goes across her nose. I said to myself, “yep, that’s it, that is going to be the reason I break-up with her in the future. I am going to look at that line across her nose and think it is ugly, and that she is not cute anymore”. I continued to stare at that line. I really thought she was beautiful, but I just knew I would weasel my way out of the relationship and I would use that line as my own personal rationale.
Natural Beauty

That was 14 years ago, she is now my wife and I still look at that line on her nose. Now when I look at it it is more beautiful each day. The line is part of the richness, depth, and sincerity of her beauty. She is so unique in personality and look.
My wife and I have this running debate. She thinks she needs make-up, especially to cover up the line on her nose. But I love that line. I love her natural beauty. I love her when she has the least amount of makeup on. I think she is so beautiful when she wakes up, when she is working out, when she is cooking, when we are working in the yard, when she has on jeans and a t-shirt. I especially love when she doesn’t have any glasses or contacts on, her vulnerability comes out in her face, skin and demeanor. I don’t think she needs to wear any makeup.
Never been a fan of makeup for several reasons. Growing up none of the women in my life (grandmother, mother, or sister) wore make-up on a regular basis. The only time they put on makeup was when they were “getting made-up”, putting on a face, and even then it was just lipstick, eyeliner, and eyeshadow, maybe blush but not foundation. The other reason I am not a fan of make-up is because it is mostly used to cover up the natural beauty of a women, the richness and depth of their natural features in exchange for a uniform, homogeneous, foundation made to make them look like everyone else, or like some ideal of the perfect skin. I say embrace the natural beauty that God has given you. If it is a skin quality issue, try to find natural ways to change the quality of your skin. If you have “bad” skin, pray, change your eating, drink more water, less stress, get sleep, only use makeup as a last resort.
To me my wife doesn’t need any makeup, and I think she is so gorgeous. The more I love her inside, the more I love her outside. What she sees as a flaw, I see as flawless.
I wish she could see herself as I see her.
I love you sweetheart, your beauty takes my breath away.
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